Traditional Mathematics of East Asia and Related Topics
August 25(Mon) - 30(Sat), 2014

Takebe Conference 2014

In the occasion of the 350th anniversary of Takebe Katahiro (1664 - 1739), an international conference on traditional mathematics in East Asia and related topics will be organized in his hornor. 

Korea will host ICM 2014 during August 13-24, 2014 in Seoul. Last year, President Miyaoka of the Mathematical Society of Japan (MSJ) circulated a letter of Professor Hyeonbae Kang, Chair of the Parallel Scientific Activities Committee of the ICM 2014 concering the Satellite Conferences for ICM 2014. We, a group of MSJ, applied for this call.  Now Our Takebe Conference 2014 has been  recognized as one of the satellite conferences of the Seoul ICM 2014.

Seki Takakazu (ca 1642 - 1708) and Takebe Katahiro are two most distinguished Japanese mathematicians of the Edo period (1603 - 1868). In 2008 Professor Komatsu Hikosaburo organized the International Conference on the History of Mathematics in Commemoration of the 300th Postumous Anniversary of Seki Takakazu at the Tokyo University of Science. (See the "Seki, Founder of Modern Mathematics in Japan", Springer, 2013) The Takebe Conference 2014 will follow the Seki Conference 2008.

Morimoto Mitsuo, Chair of International Organizing Committee

December 2, 2013

First Announcement (October 12, 2013)

It is with great pleasure that we present the first announcement.

You can download it from links below.

PDF in English / PDF in Japanese

Invited lecturers:

Chemla Karine (France); Feng, Lisheng (China); Guo, Shirong (China); Hong, Sungsa (Korea); Horiuchi, Annick (France); Ji, Zhigang (China); Kim, Dohan (Korea); Kim, Young Wook (Korea); Knobloch, Eberland (Germany); Kobayashi, Tatsuhiko (Japan); Komatsu, Hikosaburo (Japan); Li, Wenlin (China); Majima, Hideyuki (Japan); Martzloff, Jean-Claude (France); Morimoto, Mitsuo (Japan); Mumford, David (USA); Ogawa, Tsukane (Japan); Osada, Naoki (Japan); Sarina (China); Sasaki, Chikara (Japan); Ueno, Kenji (Japan); Xu, Zelin (China); Ying, Jia-Ming (Taiwan)

Special lectures:

Imanishi, Yuichiro (Japan); Kuge, Minoru (Japan)

Short oral presentations:

Fujii, Yasuo (Japan); Heeffer Albrecht (Belgium); Hinz, Andreas M. (Germany); Hosking, Rosalie Joan (New Zealand); Kota, Osamu (Japan); Kuemmerle, Halald (Germany); Narumi, Fuh (Japan); Ozone, Jun (Japan); Tamura, Makoto (Japan); Yao, Miaofeng (China)

 (revised on July 27, 2014)


Preparatory Meetings

May 19, 2012, Xi’an, China (Chemla, Hong, Knobloch, Li, Morimoto, Ueno)

May 12, 2012, Meijo University, Nagoya (Kobayashi, Majima, Morimoto, Ogawa)

April 7, 2012, Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel (Majima, Morimoto, Ogawa)

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